Below are the most frequently cited criminal violations which do not require a court appearance, but can be paid at the Clerk of Court’s Office, over the phone or online. (Please note that where you see “MM” listed below that means “minor misdemeanor”)
If you do not see your violation listed, please contact the Clerk of Court’s Office for more information—937-296-2461:
Animals at Large | $195 |
Barking Dogs | $195 |
County Quarantine | $180 |
Disorderly Conduct MM (ORC/Centerville) | $285 |
In Park after Hours MM | $170 |
Littering | $195 |
No Dog License | $165 |
No Kennel Registration | $170 |
Open Container in Park | $180 |
Open Container in Motor Vehicle | $235 |
Public Intoxication MM (ORC/Centerville) | $285 |
Please note: This cost schedule applies to all criminal violations within the jurisdiction of this court, with the exception of the City of Moraine where any bail schedule posted by the Mayor’s Court for the City of Moraine shall apply.