Courtroom Etiquette

Courtroom etiquette is very important. Failing to follow courtroom etiquette could have negative effects on the outcome of your case.

Basic Rules:

Wear clothing that is suitable for business
Arrive on time
Turn off cell phones and other electronic devices before entering the courtroom
Do not chew gum
Be respectful to the judge, opposing counsel (if applicable), and court staff
Rise when the judge and/or jury enter and exit the courtroom
Stand when communicating with the judge, making or meeting an objection, or questioning a witness
Speak loudly and clearly
Do not interrupt others while they are talking
Refer to the judge as “Your Honor”
Direct all concerns and remarks to the bench and not the opposing counsel (if applicable)

Attending court can be an intimidating experience, especially if you do not know what to expect. For more information, visit what to expect during your first appearance.